Saturday, April 26, 2008

See No Evil, Hear No Evil, SAY No Evil.

Remember how I have really crappy housemates? Okay...from now on I will no longer call 'em the names I used to call 'em. I was talking to my aunt last night and she told me off for name calling and making deregatory comments about these people. She's right. I am asking for a miracle right now. And why would God give me that miracle if I say alot of shit about people. So I must stop.

I must pretend.

I must pretend I dont see anything, hear anything and I must not say anything. Sometimes I must admitt I am so consumed in anger that I feel I want to destroy all of them. But I can't. Like my lawyer said, keep a good thought. So I must do what I must to keep msyelf away from such people.

Oh, this is so teasing my bratinella side.

On the bright side, I might to Vegas soon. I hope! And the more brighter side! I will not be seeing them anymore! Weee! :) Massachusettes is a good place! :)

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


The Secret tells us that fear disables you from recieving what the universe has for you. What you want in your life. It says that to get what you want, you have to ask for it and believe that you deserve it.

I am plagued by fear, of being unsuccessful. And I realize today, fearing what is not there is only paralyzing me. It's not allowing to come full circle with all the blessings that is especially for me. Things I've asked for.

From now on, I'll worry about it when I get there. No more fear.

Yes. I'm going to make it my mantra.

Saturday, April 12, 2008


I always wonder about death. You know how they show it on TV, that the person dying remembers his path that moment before he closes his eyes for the last time. I wonder if it's true. I admitt I dont want to die yet. I'm still young, I have alot of things I want to do. Its not wrong to think about it sometimes right?


Anyway...this is what happens when you watch Maging Sino Ka Man on you tube. Especially when you watch the part where Celine dies. Hehe

Friday, April 11, 2008


I have so many plans. My head is swimming in them this very moment. I am trying to think about how I will do them all. But this is not what the law of attraction tells us.

It says:
Ask - Okay here are my plans... for the next 2 years.
~ Get a second job in MA.
~ Go home.
~ Get the visa.
~ Go to Canada.
~ Study in FCI.
~ Study Asian Culinary Arts in Singapore.
~ Buy Hamilo unit and membership.

Visualize - I have been doing that. I believe I will do all of them.

Recieve - Yes. Soon

What's confusing is, I have so many things I am asking for. Sheesh. The universe is probably confused.

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Dreaming of Home.

Francis. The person I consider home. My home. My own. With him I felt I belong someplace, to someone's heart. I'm excited to see him again. My heart just wants to hurry up the next four months...

Saturday, April 05, 2008

Excited and Grateful Heart.

I have a very good feeling about how things are going in my life. I'm excited and I smile at every thought about how good my life would be. Especially when I'm finally with Francis too. :)

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Happy Anniversary!

Yes, its been a year since my Prince came to me.

And it has been blissful ever since...

I love you.