Monday, July 13, 2009


It's so hard to be contented. When someone gets what they want, you think they can just start to kickback, relax and be happy. But no. I think it's human nature for us to then want something more.

A business man who only wanted to put up his own business will now want to put up an expansion. And then when he's finally put up an expansion, he will want to have his business be so sucessful that people will want to franchise...etc.

It's the same case with me. At first I only wanted to be able to come back here in the US. It didn't matter to me which state I will go. What was important was that I was closer to the person I love most. And then when I came here to Colorado, I wanted to see him. I wanted to be with him. And to make things worse, I wanted it NOW. And now I was just with him. We spent his birthday together. We did all the things we wanted to do, like eat at Denny's (again), watch a movie and travel. But now, he's on his way home. Now, I do not want him to leave. I wish, we can stay here together or I can go with him.

Being with him is like a natural sugar high. And now that he's leaving for home, I am crashing down...

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