So, How Am I?
I've been good. Really good!
Always follow what's in your heart, always listen to what's inside, always fly high, and don't come down. Push yourself far over the limit, push your mind I had with your spirit, push it well, you never thought you could alright, and never come down.
I've been good. Really good!
Posted by
5/30/2009 05:05:00 PM
Mesa Verde's Cliff Dwellings is in the 1,000 Places To See Before You Die book!!!
That means only one thing...I have only 999 places to see before I die!
I should buy that book.
Posted by
5/25/2009 12:55:00 AM
Almost a month here in Colorado. I have seen the Cliff Dwellings, it's amazing! I still have to post pics but the internet is really bad. So, maybe next time. I'm enjoying myself here, I don't spend too much because I'm 40 miles from the nearest Wal-mart and there are only specific times that the bus takes us to go shopping.
Posted by
5/23/2009 06:21:00 PM
Posted by
5/02/2009 06:36:00 PM
I've met some rather interesting people here in Colorado already. We're all going to be working together some time. My dorm neighbors are Brazilian, Argentinean and Jamaicans. Some of the guys I will work with will be Thai, Vietnamese, more Jamaicans, more South Americans, English, Americans, Native Americans, Romanians and Canadians. I also have Filipino colleagues. And my room mates are three other Filipinas. They're quite different though, more civilized than the last. One of them can be such a pest, because she asks too manyquestions, some I find rather stupid but she's okay. One of them is a slow poke.
The Brazilians are kinda low key, same with the Argentineans. The Jamaicans are sort of loud but they seem to be fun. Osbourne says that their language is English but whenever I listen to them I kinda just hear "ratatatatatatatatatat." It sounds silly at times. But they speak alot slower when we talk to them.
Im quite lucky because I'm only a hop and a skip away from my work place. It's right across my dorm. I already met the Executive Chef and my Sous Chef. I'm hoping for a good season. Tell you more, I need to get some rest because I want to take a small walk. Take some photos and catch the sunset.
Posted by
5/01/2009 07:42:00 PM
"Laugh so hard that even sorrow smiles at you. Live life so well that even death loves to see you live. And fight so hard that even fate accepts defeat."