Needing and Loving.
I read these two words in one single message last night. It seems that when you love, you also need or when you need, you love. I'm not sure that this is the case all the time. Some can just love. Some just need. And some make that choice to love and need someone at the same time.
Needing someone. Does needing a person mean that you love that person? You need your subordinates at work? Does it mean you love them? Even that green eyed monster who is after your post? No, right? You just keep it civil with some of them because you need them. I admit I have friends I keep because I know that one day I am going to need that person for something. And vice versa.
Loving someone. Does loving a person mean that you need that person? Well there's that saying that says "Immature love is I love you because I need you, and mature love is I need you because I love you." Can you really just love without needing? It's human nature to need love. It's one aspect of life that all of us pines and longs after, taking for granted all the other people who love us. I think you can love without needing. I love my friends even if I didn't need them for something. Keeping that friendship doesn't mean that I only need them.
I learned that loving and needing is also a feeling that goes away, after sometime. You think you can't function with a person out of your life. But you're wrong, you still can. You don't need that person's presence to be successful. You just WANT him to be there, because you love him. There's a difference between really needing and wanting something or someone. Needing for me is a choice one has to make.
I believe that everything happens for a reason and everyone is in your life for a reason. Everyone that I keep in my life and everyone I turn away was my choice. It wasn't because I didn't need them or I didn't love them enough. Some may have even served their purpose, and that is to teach me something I'd find valuable.
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