Christmas Wishlist.
It's December!!! I just wanna write what I want this christmas. I'm currently listening to All I Want For Christmas Is You. Made me think about what I wanted for christmas. In order of the odds I'd actually get them. HEHE
1. Only one person can do this for me. He knows what it is.
2. A job. A commis job.
3. Mazda 3 Hatchback
4. Sony Alpha 100w with 2 GB memory stick
5. Plane Tickets to Bora bora!
6. Grand Livre de Cuisine Alain Ducasse's Culinary Encyclopedia and Grand Livre de Cuisine Alain Ducasse's Desserts and Pastries
7. iPod video 80 GB
8. SE K800i
9. Paulo Coelho's The Zahir and The Devil And Miss Prym
10. Mitch Alboom's Book - For One More Day, Tuesdays with Morrie, The Five People You Meet In Heaven
11. A slammin night out with mah girls!
Please Lord, I'd settle for Number 1 and Number 2!
I wish you to get these all present than you wish!!! ;)
I also love the work of Paulo Coelho!!!!
Do you know that he has a newsletter?
You can also go to his blog and comment with other readers your impressions...
it's simply wonderful!
have a nice weekend!!!
Wow cool he has a blog!!! Imagine that. Hehe Actually there are only 2 things that are on top of my list that I really really want.
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